Your Truest Self Will Lead You into Your Power

You are ready to be brave.

To liberate yourself and be exactly who you are.


Come out of hiding,

Release shame,

Tell your secrets,

Let go of guilt.

Courageously be seen in your vulnerable skin.


Find out how

To give yourself

Love. Acceptance. Forgiveness.

As a catalyst for your healing transformation.

Not needing anyone else

To determine your worth.


Nurture your spiritual connection.

Listen for your clear true voice, your wisdom,

Your greatest strengths.


Align everything


Read your whole message from Jessica here.

Use Your Voice to Claim Your Unique Strengths

How would your life transform if you decided to infuse your true essence–your inner strengths, your uniqueness, your purest energy, your naturalness–into everything you do?

  • Imagine the liberation of being completely and truly yourself within all of your relationships.
  • Imagine the sense of purpose and passion that would flow out of your core and flavor the work you do in the world.
  • Imagine how you would take care of yourself if you saw yourself in this empowered way.
  • Imagine...
Read your whole message from Jessica here.

How to Tap into Your Intuitive Power

My guiding word of the year is “Intuition.” Several months ago, I realized that although I know I am a deeply intuitive person, I often let my rational mind override my intuition in many areas of my life. I became aware that, because I have a deep knowing that my intuition is very powerful, some part of me feared it.

After all, intuitive impulses are unpredictable; my rational mind much preferred the safe, cautious, and calculated route—especially in the realm of building my...

Read your whole message from Jessica here.

‘Money Matters’ to Create Your Most Satisfying Life

SPARK women have been sharing their challenges around money—specifically those of you who have dreams of making a great living doing what you love.

You want to create satisfying success while offering your gifts to the world (without sacrificing your health) but you keep running into blocks along the way. In response to the blocks you are experiencing around money, I offer you this audio recording of my guest appearance on “Money Matters” Radio Show hosted by Executive...

Read your whole message from Jessica here.
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